Tag Archives: legacy planning

Leadership: The future that will exist

9 Feb

Social Change Diva Blog Post - 2/8/10


Writing seemed to be my nemesis this week.  A very wise man~ my beau~ suggested that maybe I should think about other ways to communicate.   It got my wheels turning and I decided to share this weeks blog post through pictures.

Please pay attention.

No more shall i say “professional development” when referring to skills development.

Its a new day

I am choosing to use the world personal mastery.  Why?

Personal mastery offers an option for people who feel they want to change their organization but can’t accomplish much from their position.  You can always move as an individual to develop your personal mastery.

The core leadership strategy is simple: be a model. Commit yourself to your own personal mastery.

Peter Senge, The Fifth Discpline  and the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook

If new and emerging leaders  hold themselves responsible for mastery of skills and knowledge, then their  motivation to improve becomes intrinsic.   They will learn to be leaders and experts  because they want to be; not because they have been told  to.

Eyes over here.

I think most  leaders bristle at the idea of  ” succession planning”.   Could it be that thinking about it conjures up  fear?   Will this plan be the final blueprint of their worthwhile contributions?

Think about " What does the future hold?"

Legacy planning offers a new way of thinking about  contributions to an organization.  It is not about finality;  it is about influencing the future.

To create a legacy, whether grand or modest, the leader will always require a sense of the future for the organization, of what its needs and opportunities are and will be.  A basic optimism and passion furnishes the bedrock.

Burt Nanus & Stephen Dobbs, Leaders who make a difference

If a leader is planning for her legacy, then she will plan a future for the organization that will include enough resources to sustain the legacy she wants to put in place.  And if they are smart, they will include themselves in the future of the organization as an advisor.

These two things are not THE ANSWER, but they are a start.

So to recap:

  • Professional Development IS NOW Personal Mastery
  • Succession Planning IS NOW Legacy Planning

I know that it’s  not this simple.  By suggesting that we CAN change the words we use ;  I am also suggesting  that we CAN change the definitions, perspectives and approaches we have been holding onto . If we did that, imagine the abundant and bright future that we could achieve.

Are you ready to create the future that you want?
